Factors Affecting Resource Mobilization to Promote Educational Management of Educational Institutions Under Surin Primary Educational Service Area Office 3
Resource Mobilization; , Promotion of Education Management; , Surin Primary Educational Service Area Office 3Abstract
Mobilization of other resources will help the school's education management to be able to operate according to the goals set. Many forms of resource mobilization differ according to the context of that educational institution between public, private, and local government institutions. This research aims to (1) study factors affecting resource mobilization to promote education management. And (2) compare the level of opinions of personnel on factors affecting resource mobilization to promote education management classified by status, age, and department in charge. The population of this research consisted of 3,341 personnel of educational institutions under Surin Primary Educational Service Area Office 3 with a sample of 345 people. The research tools were questionnaires on factors affecting resource mobilization for educational promotion. The statistics used in the research were frequency, mean, percentage, standard deviation, F-test, and t-test. The results showed that (1) the factors affecting resource mobilization to promote education management, in general, were at a high level. And (2) the comparative analysis of the factors affecting the mobilization of resources used to promote education management found that; (a) Overall status is not different, but the individual aspects are different in the field of law. (b) Classified by age, there was no difference overall, but differently in terms of motivation. And (c) classified according to departments responsible for overall not different, but different aspects in terms of participation, statistically significant at the .05 level.
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