Administration According to Good Governance Principles of School Administrators under the Office of Special Education Administration Lopburi Province




Administration; , Good Governance Principles; , School Administrators;, Office of Special Education Administration Lopburi Province


Good management leads to fairness by creating a good sense of management with efficiency and transparency, that is, good governance must be created under the needs of society. Good governance is a principle that is widely used in the current administration because it helps to create and promote the organization to have potential and efficiency that will lead to continuous development which is beneficial to the progress of the country. The purpose of this research is (1) To study the level of teachers' opinions towards the administration according to the principles of good governance of school administrators. And (2) Comparison of teachers' opinions towards administration according to the principles of good governance of administrators. This study was conducted with schools under the Office of Special Education Administration, Lopburi Province. The population consisted of 212 teachers. The research tool was a questionnaire on teachers' opinions towards administration based on good governance principles. The statistics used to analyze the data were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and F-test. The results showed that (1) Teachers' opinions towards the administration according to the principles of good governance of school administrators overall were at a high level. And 2) the results of the analysis of variance to compare the opinions of teachers towards the administration according to the principles of good governance of school administrators according to gender and age variables overall and by side found that there was no difference. The results of the analysis of variance according to teachers' opinions towards the administration according to the principles of good governance of school administrators according to the variables of work experience in the principles of decentralization, and the rule of law found that there were significant differences. Statistically significant at the 0.01 level, the principles of equality and morality were found to be significantly different at the level of 0.05 while other aspects were not different.


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How to Cite

Sinjui , P. . (2023). Administration According to Good Governance Principles of School Administrators under the Office of Special Education Administration Lopburi Province. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(3), 181–196.


