A Discriminant Analysis of Job Satisfaction Factors Related to the Job Position of Academic Staffs of Private Schools in the General Education Category
Discriminant Analysis; , Job’s Satisfaction; , the Job Position of Academic StaffsAbstract
Performance satisfaction is a person's positive perception of various factors. related to the work at hand, which is caused by being responsive to individual needs. It is therefore necessary for educational institutions to study the factors contributing to the job satisfaction of personnel. When the personnel is satisfied with their work, it will have a positive effect on the performance of their duties and will have a positive effect on the students, which can be regarded as an important product of the school as well as affecting the efficiency of the work that the school has set. The purpose of studying is to study of job satisfaction levels and analyze a discriminant function to classify job satisfaction factors related to job positions of academic staff’s Job Satisfaction. The sample population consisted of 367 academic staff of private schools in the general education category under the Office of the Private Education Commission (OPEC), Samut Prakan Province by using the method of stratified random stratification. The research instrument was a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using discriminant analysis. The results show that 1) the level of job satisfaction of the teacher group and the teaching support group were consistent. The highest average was the relationship at work, followed by the nature of the job responsibilities and opportunity for advancement, respectively. and 2) the creation of a job satisfaction factor categorization function related to job positions of educational personnel. By using the Enter analysis method, it was found that the factor with the highest weight in the classification function was compensation and welfare equal to -0.823, followed by advancement opportunity equal to 0.705, and job responsibilities equal to 0.587, relationship in the workplace was equal to 0.524 and the atmosphere in the workplace was equal to - 0.257, respectively. These 5 factors were able to predict group members correctly at 61.58%.
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