A Construction of Information Literacy Skills Scale for Mathayomsuksa Three Students
Construct of Scale; , Information Literacy Skills; , Construction of Scale Cut-scoresAbstract
The study of information literacy skills in the previous research has focused on the development of information literacy skills and the level of information literacy. The information literacy study lacked a measure of the information literacy skills of lower secondary school students and a cutting score used to determine the level of information literacy skills. The objectives of this research were 1) to construct an information literacy skills scale and 2) to set cut scores to consider information literacy skill levels. Samples were 1,020 Mathayomsuksa 3 students in the schools under Bangkok Secondary Educational Service Area Office Two by using a multi-stage random sampling technique. Data was collected by using an information literacy skills scale. And the test examined concurrent validity, reliability, item difficulty, and item discrimination to show test quality. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics. The research results found that 1) the concurrent validity was 0.28, the reliability was 0.87, the item difficulty index between 0.25-0.87, and the item discrimination index between 0.19-0.47 and 2) the overall cut-score was 60%, with the students passing the cut-score of 34.00% while the cut-scores for each skill were as follows Information access skills, 70% cut-off point, 18.00 percent of students passed, information assessment skills, 60 percent cut-score, 44.00 percent of students passed, and information application skills, a cut-score of 60 percent. There is 47.00 percent of students passing the cut score.
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