Administration According to Good Governance Principles of Educational Institute Administrators at Sattahip Technical College
School Administration; , Good Governance Principles; , School AdministratorsAbstract
School administration is the main task of the administrators who must systematically formulate patterns, methods and procedures for their implementation. Because if the management system is not good, it will affect other parts of the organization. Good administrators must know how to choose appropriate and effective management methods in order to achieve their goals. Good governance is an important administrative principle and necessary in the current situation, especially in education management, it is the most important factor. The objectives of this research were (1) to study the administrative level according to the principles of good governance of administrators of Sattahip Technical College according to the opinions of personnel. And (2) comparing the administrative levels according to the principles of good governance of administrators of Sattahip Technical College classified by gender, status, and work experience. The population in this study was personnel in Sattahip Technical College in the academic year 2022 consisting of 251 personnel. The research tool was a questionnaire on the governance administration of school administrators at Sattahip Technical College. The statistics used in the research were frequency, mean, percentage, standard deviation, F-test, and t-test. The results showed that (1) The overall level of opinions towards the administration according to the principles of good governance of Sattahip Technical College administrators was at a high level. And (2) the comparative analysis of the opinions towards the administration according to the principles of good governance of the administrators of Sattahip Technical College found that (a) Classified by sex, the overall difference was statistically significant at the .05 level, (b) Classified by overall status differs significantly at the .05 level, and (c) Classified by work experience, the overall difference is statistically significant at the .05 level.
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