Desirable Characteristics of School Administrators under the Office of Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area 3
Desirable Characteristics; , School Administrators;, Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 3Abstract
Educational management at present, educational institution administrators therefore play a very important role in driving, setting direction and developing education to be most effective and beneficial to the learners. In order for school administrators to be able to develop and lead education to progress well, one of the important things is that school administrators must have appropriate qualifications, have necessary characteristics and be consistent with the Thai social context. in modern times, including the characteristics of being an educational administrator in the 21st century. The purpose of this research was to (1) study the desirable characteristics of school administrators under the Office of Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. And (2) comparing the level of opinions of personnel on the desirable characteristics of school administrators under the Office of Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 3 classified by gender, work experience, and school size. The sample consisted of 322 personnel working in educational institutions under the Office of Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area 3. The research tool was a questionnaire on the desirable characteristics of school administrators. The statistics used in the research were frequency, mean, percentage, standard deviation, F-test, and t-test. The results showed that (1) The overall desirable characteristics of school administrators under the Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 3 were at a high level. And (2) the comparative analysis of the level of opinions of personnel on the desirable characteristics of school administrators under the Office of Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 3 found that (a) classified by gender as a whole and not different from each other, (b) classified by work experience as overall was not significantly different at the .05 level, and (c) classified by school size as a whole were significantly different at the .05 level.
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