Administration of Registration and Evaluation of Vocational Colleges under the Jurisdiction of Buriram Province
Registration and Evaluation Task; , Educational Evaluation; , Vocational CollegeAbstract
The registration and evaluation work has a variety of workloads, together with the work of the officers who have to provide services to students, professors and people who come to contact the government. Which has various needs and differs according to that need. Sometimes the service operation cannot accommodate everyone, resulting in delayed operation, discrepancy in information may cause complaints. The work of the staff creates dissatisfaction with the service recipients. The objectives of this research were (1) to study the administration of registration and evaluation of vocational colleges in Buriram Province. And (2) compare the level of opinions of personnel towards the registration and assessment administration classified by position, work experience and level of responsibility. The population used in this research was 5,254 vocational college personnel in Buriram Province using a sample of 358 people. The research tool was a questionnaire on the administration of registration and evaluation of vocational colleges. The statistics used in the research were frequency, mean, percentage, standard deviation, F-test, and t-test. The research results showed that (1) the analysis of information on registration administration and evaluation of vocational colleges in Buriram Province were generally at a high level. And (2) a comparative analysis of the level of opinions of personnel toward the registration administration and evaluation of vocational colleges in Buriram Province, it was found that; (a) Classified by overall position is not different, individual aspects are different in terms of registration and enrollment. (b) Classified by work experience in general, there is no difference, but in terms of different aspects such as registration and enrollment in high school and education measurement and evaluation. And (c) Classified by level of responsibility, the overall difference is statistically significant at the .05 level, However, the different aspects that were statistically significant at the .05 level were educational measurement and evaluation, and the issuing of educational evidence.
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