The Participation in Academic Administration of Special Education School Teachers in Lopburi Province
Participation; , Academic Administration; , Special Education SchoolAbstract
Academic administration is an important task for school administrators because academic administration is the administration of all kinds of activities, especially the improvement and development of teaching and learning to be effective, which is the main aim of the school and is an Indicator of success and ability of executives. Participatory management is management that allows employees at all levels to participate in the management of the business within their scope of responsibilities, which is the cornerstone of a new type of management known as organization-wide quality management. Therefore, this research aims to (1) To study participation in academic administration. And (2) a comparison of teachers' opinions on teachers' participation in academic administration classified by sex, education, and experience. The research population consisted of 212 special education school teachers in Lopburi Province. The statistics used for analysis were frequency, percentage, and standard deviation, and statistics used for hypothesis testing were t-test and F-test. The results showed that (1) Teachers' participation in academic administration was at a high level. (2) The results of a comparative analysis of teachers' opinions on participation in academic administration classified by sex, education level, and work experience in general and in each aspect were not statistically different.
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