Strategic Leadership in the 21st Century of Vocational School Administrators in Chonburi Province Under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission
Strategic Leadership; , 21st Century Strategy; , Administrators of Vocational Education InstitutionsAbstract
Education in the 21st century is an era of change in which the currents of change affect planning and setting guidelines for national development. The school administrators are the most influential personnel in school administration. Modern administrators must lead change, have strategic leadership, and lead reform according to the Education Act. Therefore, this research aims to (1) study the level of strategic leadership in the 21st century of school administrators. And (2) a comparison of the strategic leadership in the 2st century of vocational school administrators classified by age, education level, and work experience. The population of this research consisted of 916 vocational teachers in Chonburi province. A sample of 274 people. The statistics used for analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test (Independent Samples), F-test (One Way ANOVA). The results showed that; (1) The overall level of strategic leadership in the 21st century of vocational school administrators was at a high level. When considered individually, it was found that the level of opinions was at a high level in all aspects, with the highest level of opinions being team building, and the lowest being emotional intelligence. (2) The results of the comparative analysis of opinions towards strategic leadership in the 21st century of vocational school administrators were overall and in each aspect classified by age, education level, and overall work experience were not different by statistical significant.
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