Transformative Leadership of School Administrators under the Office of the Eastern Vocational Education Commission
Leadership; , School Administrators; , Eastern Vocational Education CommissionAbstract
The development of educational institutes to enter the 21st-century world in a world that has a digital revolution and changes to Industry 4.0. Administrators must lead the change in school administration, that is, administrators must initiate change, be decentralized according to the purpose of the National Education Act, have a purpose, have a vision, and have the determination to be successful. Therefore, it can be seen that transformational leadership is the starting point of educational institute development. This research has the objectives; (1) To study the transformational leadership of school administrators under the Office of the Eastern Vocational Education Commission. And (2) to compare the transformational leadership of school administrators under the Eastern Vocational Education Commission classified by gender, educational background, and work experience. The population in this study consisted of personnel under the Office of the Eastern Vocational Commission in 34 locations, consisting of 125 school administrators, and 2,154 teachers, a total of 2,279 people. The sample was divided into 96 administrators, and 327 teachers. The statistics used to analyze the data were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and F-test. The results showed that; (1) The transformational leadership of school administrators under the Eastern Vocational Education Commission found that administrators and teachers had opinions at a high level in all components. Considering each component, the ideological influence was the highest mean, and individuality was the lowest. (2) The results of the comparison of transformational leadership of educational institute administrators under the Office of the Eastern Vocational Education Commission classified by gender and educational background showed no significant difference overall. However, Classified by work experience, there was a significant difference at the .05 level.
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