Implementation of Student Activities in Educational Institutions under the Office of the Eastern Vocational Education Commission
Student Activities; , Operating Conditions; , Professional OrganizationAbstract
Student activities are one of the departments in educational institutions that play an important role in promoting, supporting, supervising, and being responsible for the implementation of student activities. Implementation of extra-curricular activities and future professional organizations in Thailand so that students are ready for careers according to society's expectations because it is a service and an activity that the educational institution provides in addition to teaching in the classroom. Thus, the purpose of this research was to study the operational conditions of student activities according to the regulations of the future professional organization of Thailand in educational institutions under the Eastern Vocational Education Commission. And to compare the opinions of student activity officers and students about the condition of student activity operation. Students according to the regulations of the future professional organization of Thailand in educational institutes under the Office of the Eastern Vocational Education Commission. The population used in the research was 456 people and the sample group was 368 people. The instrument used for data collection in the research was a 5-point estimation scale questionnaire. The consistency index was between 0.80 - 1.00 and the confidence was 0.97. The basic statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, and statistics used to test the hypothesis were t-test, and F-test (One Way ANOVA). The research results found that : (1) the operation of student activities according to the regulations of the future professional organization of Thailand in the educational institutes under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission, overall, the mean was at the highest level. (2) The results of the comparison of opinions on the operational conditions of student activities classified by gender, position, and work experience as overall, there was no difference.
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