School Administration using the 4 Power Principles of School Administrators under the Office of Buriram Secondary Education Service Area
Administration; , School ;, 4 Power PrincipleAbstract
According to the current state of society, technological progress has resulted in material prosperity. Thoughts, values, and environments have changed, causing the school administration to adapt to keep pace. To succeed in the administration, it is necessary to apply the Dhamma principle, which is the 4 Power Principle (Idthibat 4), to be used in the administration of the school to achieve success in administrative work. Therefore, the research on school administration using the 4 Power Principal of school administrators under the Buriram Secondary Educational Service Area Office has objectives. (1) To study school administration using the 4 Power Principal of school administrators under the Buriram Secondary Educational Service Area Office. (2) To compare educational institute administration using the 4 Power Principle of educational institute administrators under the Buriram Secondary Educational Service Area Office classified by age, work experience, and size of institutes. The sample consisted of 344 school personnel under the Buriram Secondary Educational Service Area Office. The research tool was a questionnaire. The statistics used to analyze the data were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, and the statistics used to test the hypothesis were t-test, and F-test. The results showed that (1) The school administration using the 4 Power Principles of school administrators under the Buriram Secondary Educational Service Area Office overall was at a high level. School administrators were at a high level in all aspects. (2) The school administration using the 4 Power Principles of school administrators under the Buriram Secondary Educational Service Area Office classified by age, work experience, and overall size of the school was not different.
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