Analyze the Behaviors of Using Online Teaching Media by Assure Model of Teachers’ Bunditpatanasilpa Institute
Teacher's Teaching Behavior; , Online Teaching Media Used; , Assure ModelAbstract
Education management in the 21st century is an era that relies on the advancement of technology to accommodate changes that may occur all the time. In addition, the COVID-19 epidemic situation affects teaching and learning all over the world. Therefore, an adaptation of educational personnel is important to help learners learn effectively, even though the current situation of COVID-19 has eased, education in the new digital world still needs to be driven in line with the constantly evolving world population, able to study anytime, anywhere. Thus, this research article aims (1) To study the planning of instructional media usage with the Assure Model. (2) To analyze the behavior of using online teaching media with the Assure Model of teachers in Bunditpatanasilpa Institute. The sample group was 36 teachers which were chosen from a simple random sampling method. The data collection tool is an opinion questionnaire. The quantitative data analysis with basic statistics, and qualitative data using content analysis. The results showed that (1) using online teaching materials according to the 6-step Assure Model, the overall result was at the highest level. There was a statistical value of 4.54 and instructors in General Education and the Practical Education had no different behaviors in using online teaching materials. Moreover, the statistically significant was at 0.01 level consistent with the assumptions of the research. From the remarks on media planning using the Assure Model, the instructors focused on setting objectives, analyzing learner characteristics, and selecting, modifying, or designing online teaching materials at the highest level. (2) The opinions, problems, and obstacles in online teaching were the organization aspect, the teachers’ aspect, the students’ aspect, the material aspect, and the outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) 3. Suggestions for utilization 1) Instructors who use the Assure Model should have good skills in media creation and technology. 2) Teachers should study the use of various online media that meet the interests of the students and can be responded to learners' learning effectively. 3) Implement media planning with the Assure Model to teach both academic and practical subjects and 4) Administrators should have the policy to prepare teaching and learning equipment to be accessible, organize training, and should apply modern technology to the personnel.
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