Sangha Administration Strategies in the Eastern Maha Nikaya Region 9
Strategies; , Sangha Administration; , Maha Nikaya Region 9Abstract
Buddhism is regarded as an invaluable heritage of Thailand as a spiritual anchor that brings unity and national security. The administration of the Sangha in Thailand in modern times is divided into the following Sangha administrative structures; (1) Commander, there is His Holiness the Supreme Patriarch is the head of the Sangha and the supreme commander, and (2) Central Administrative Organization, with the Sangha Council, which is the highest administrative organization. Thus, this research has 2 folds of objectives; (1) to study the current state of desirable conditions in the Eastern Maha Nikaya Region 9. (2) to study the guidelines of the administration strategies in The Eastern Maha Nikaya Region 9. Research methods for the target groups, 2 phases: (1) Phase 1: 77 district primates under Buddhakurumonthon 9 and 406 sub-district primates. The research tools were questionnaires on the current and desirable conditions of the Sangha administration. Under the Eastern Maha Nikaya Region 9. And (2) Phase 2 Conducted research in 3 stages, which were workshops by the expert symposium and public hearings, the statistics used in data analysis were mean and standard deviation. The findings found that: (1) revealed that the current state desirable conditions in The Eastern Maha Nikaya Region 9 at the highest level, a current condition in order of importance were education, governance, education welfare, Propagate, Public Facilities, and Public Welfare, desirable conditions in order of importance were education welfare, governance, education, Public Facilities, Propagate, and Public Welfare. And (2) Administration Strategies for Ecclesiastical District in The Eastern Maha Nikaya were (A) Knowledge management, (B) Proactive public relations, (C) Technology upgrading, (D) Promotion education, and (E) Developing a participation system.
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