Social Innovations of Chaiyaphum Province




Social Innovation; , Chaiyaphum Province


Social innovation to promote lifelong learning is the creation of a knowledgeable and intellectual society under the important guidelines of the national education plan. It is a process of co-creation between members of the social unit that coexists to cause learning, invention, and setting up of social practices. The purpose of this study was to study social innovations for promoting lifelong learning in Chaiyaphum Province. The samples were selected from the communities in the following subdistricts: Huai Ton Subdistrict, Na Fai Subdistrict, Ban Lao Subdistrict, Na Siao Subdistrict, Nong Na Saeng Subdistrict, Nai Mueang Subdistrict, Huai Bong Subdistrict, Phon Thong Subdistrict, Lat Yai Subdistrict, Tha Hin Ngom Subdistrict, Chaiyaphum Province. Three samples were selected by a purposive sampling method from each community. They were the representatives of people in each age range: children, adolescents, and older persons in 10 communities. So, there were 30 samples and 3 experts in educational management. A data collection instrument was the interview form on social innovations for promoting community lifelong learning. Data were collected through interviews. The findings revealed that in the target communities, there are learning centers, community enterprises, and local philosophers who are the sources of learning for people in the community. Also, the social innovations related to lifelong learning are consistent with the way of life or occupations of people in the community and the resources available in the community. Social innovations for promoting lifelong learning in Chaiyaphum Province include the formation of learning groups, and weaving group groups for developing professional skills, such as the silk production group, the weaving group of the handicapped, the knife-making group, the food processing group (powdered rice drinking, germinated Hang rice), the organic vegetable planting group and the herbal product group.


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How to Cite

Siphai, S., Kota, N. ., & Chaiyasa, S. . (2023). Social Innovations of Chaiyaphum Province. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(1), 87–100.