The Development of a Model of Inclusive Education Management in Schools Under the Department of Education 12
Educational Management Model; , Inclusive Education;, Schools Under the Department of Education 12Abstract
Inclusive education in Thailand is relatively new and has recently gained a lot of attention in education circles during the period of education reform, especially after the promulgation of the National Education Act B.E. 2542. Thus, inclusion in schools is linked to educational reform movements. In the past, most children with special needs in Thailand were educated in special schools for specific disabilities. Therefore, the objectives of this research were (1) to study the components of the integrated learning management of schools under Education Acts Sector 12, (2) to develop a model of the integrated education management of the schools under Education Acts Sector 12, and (3) to assess the model of education management of schools under the Education Institution Region 12 was used with 3 research phases as follows: Phase 1 Analysis of the components of the integrated education management of schools under Education Sector 12 by studying the documents 9 experts were interviewed. Data were collected from a sample group of 36 schools, totaling 108 people. This was a document analysis record form, an interview form, and a questionnaire with a reliability of 0.91. The statistics used were content analysis, frequency, percentage, standard deviation, phase 2, and the development of a model of educational management of the schools under the jurisdiction. Education sector 12 by seminar based on 10 experts. Tools used This is the draft model of educational management for the schools under the Department of Education in Region 12 and the documents for the seminar based on experts. The statistics used are Content Analysis, Phase 3, Assessment of the use of the Integrated Educational Management Model of Schools under the Education Sector 12. Data were collected from 9 educational institute directors. is a model assessment form, the statistics used are frequency, percentage, and standard deviation. The results of the research were as follows: (1) There are 4 components of the integrated education management of schools under the Education Department, Region 12: management, environment management and management, learning management, and collaboration. (2) The learning management model. The overall educational management model of schools under Education Region 12 consisted of 4 parts, namely, leadership, content, educational management process, and success conditions. And (3) Assessment of the use of the collective education model of schools under Education Region 12 in 4 aspects, in terms of correctness. must suitability possibility side and the benefit at the highest level.
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