Photographic Art in Digital Media Using Experiential Learning Management of Students in Bunditpatanasilpa Institute
Experiential Learning; , Photographic Art; , Digital MediaAbstract
Photos in digital media play an important role in the development of innovations in the education industry. To communicate the recording of events, Stimulate awareness with a vision that can convey meaning better than speaking and listening That develops to create a variety of educational innovation media. Therefore, the experience-based learning style focuses on allowing learners to practice in real situations Observe, and review until the idea is summarized. And then applied in many situations Causing learning to meet the goal Therefore promoting learning that is focused on learners as a center causes the production of teachers to have the potential to create still images that is an important basis in the production of educational materials. Therefore, in this article, there is a desire to present the results of criticizing the art of photography in digital media. By managing experience learning in 3 issues as follows: (1) Issue 1: The results of the four-step experiential learning management. Students discussed and summarized knowledge and other findings in six areas 1) Composition, light, and shadow, proportion in photographs 2) photographic equipment for various models of smartphones and applications that support it 3) location selection and period, 4) Factors affecting photos 5) the importance of photographs that can be further developed into digital media and 6) the experiential learning management that affects photography practice. (2) Issue 2: Correspondence of photographic art and experiential learning management with educational goals. 1) Experiential learning management should focus on learners' attention using smartphone technology as a communication tool in daily life, recording still images, when learners learn what they are interested in that, shows meaningful learning and sustainable knowledge 2) focusing on practicing the 4 Cs learning skills that are relevant to 21st-century learners, resulting in durable and practical learning and 3) the art of still life photography is the heart of multimedia creating that is effective in human learning. And (3) Issue 3: Guidelines for an experiential learning management approach in the production of photographic art educational media in digital media as follows: 1) Choose the context, place, and person that corresponds to the content to practice in real places 2) When the learners have faced with real experiences 3) organize activities to exchange, discuss and find conclusions about knowledge and 4) apply knowledge to other modern media productions in the future.
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