Problems of Senators According to the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2560 (2017)
Senator; , Constitution; , Kingdom of ThailandAbstract
Thailand has always faced problems arising from the method of obtaining senators from the past to the present, especially in the present. Determining the method for obtaining senators according to the provisions of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand is still inconsistent with the authority and duties. inevitably results in the inability to achieve the objectives of having a Thai Senate truly which affects the system of checks and balances image of democracy and political stability of Thailand The Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2560 is the latest constitution of Thailand. This constitution reflects democratic governance and the rule of law under Section 2 and Section 3 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, 2017 both of which have a close relationship, this principle continues from the previous constitution. And the legislative branch with 2 houses, namely the House of Representatives and the Senate, but for many reasons that appear in this constitutional preamble, such as corruption distortion and Lack of awareness of responsibility for the nation and the people. Politics and governance that are not suitable for the country's circumstances, etc. All this resulted in the Senate under this constitution being elected, not elected by the people. The people, therefore, have no participation and no power to determine their destiny. In addition, this constitution also prescribes powers to the Senate that are different from other constitutions of Thailand, for example, the Senate has the power to vote for the Prime Minister, etc. All this affects both democracy and the rule of law. Both of which are the core of the constitution. The researcher, therefore, presents the following study issues. To be analyzed for adaptation to Thailand. There shall be a method for acquiring suitable senators. This is consistent with the powers and duties of the Thai Senate. The purpose of this research article is to present the problems of senators under the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2560 has the following objectives: to study the basic concepts theoretical concepts in the constitution and the need for a Senate to study the issues that came to the Senate and the authority of the Senate according to the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2560 to study the origin of the problem Senator's authority of the study group Which such countries include the United Kingdom. The Japan United States Australia Republic of Ireland Germany and the French Republic to be developed, improved, and corrected The origin and authority of the senators of Thailand Research results: Considering the part of Thailand, it can be seen that the stipulation of senators According to the current constitution, it relies on a method of obtaining by selection by a selection committee that has no connection with the people at all. would be contrary to the principles of democratic governance and contrary to the development of democracy according to international principles.
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