Innovation in Field Hospital Management of RoiEt Buddhist College, Thawat Buri District, Roi-Et Province




Management Innovation; , Field Hospital; , Roi Et Priest College


From the patient's emotional state Impatient or at times may explode in anger at the care team who are not performing as intended in some cases, for example, When a patient who has recovered from an illness is not welcomed by the community or family, therefor, The researchers agreed that there should be a study on the management of medical care for patients infected with COVID-19 and stressed the necessity of the academic study of how to solve this problem. This research, therefore, has the following objectives: (1) To study the management innovation of Roi Et Monk College Field Hospital, Thawat Buri District, Roi-Et Province. (2) To implement the innovation in the management of Roi Et Monastic College Field Hospital, Thawat Buri District, Roi-Et Province. And (3) To evaluate the innovation of Roi Et Monastic College field hospital management innovation, Thawat Buri District, Roi-Et Province. This research is an integrated approach. The population used in the model search was the field hospital management model from 18 experts and innovation evaluation by 20 experts.  Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Inferential Statistics and Content Analysis. The results showed that : (1)  Roi Et Priest College has laid out a framework for field hospital management as follows: The environment, Principles of administration, Mental development, and Mental strength building. (2) The results of the experimental model of field hospital management found that: The management innovation of the Roi Et Monk College Field Hospital consists of the fact that all staff of the field hospital must create innovation in the treatment of patients by integrating Buddhist principles in many principles to integrate with medical treatment with a strong emphasis on mental development and mental strength building or creating mental protection under an environment conducive to medical care this will affect the efficient management of Roi Et Field Hospital.  (3) The results of the evaluation of the innovation, in summary, the innovation in the field hospital management at Roi Et Monk College, Thawat Buri District, Roi-Et province obtained from the research can be used appropriately at the most level.


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How to Cite

Meemana, P. . (2022). Innovation in Field Hospital Management of RoiEt Buddhist College, Thawat Buri District, Roi-Et Province. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 2(6), 385–406.