Evaluation of the Honest School Project Kalasin Pittayasai School, Under the Office of Kalasin Primary Education Service Area 1
Project Evaluation; , Honest SchoolAbstract
National Anti-Corruption Strategy Phase 3 (2017 - 2021) Strategy 1 "Create a Thai society that does not tolerate corruption". But starting from the process of socialization at all age levels by implementing projects to promote morality, ethics, and good governance in educational institutions (Honest school project). To lay the foundation for cultivating consciousness which is a mechanism for the prevention and suppression of corruption in the nation (The twelfth National Economic and Social Development Plan, 2016) Kalasin Pittayasap School has therefore assessed the honest school project. The assessment of this project is to evaluate the Honest School Project of Kalasin Pittayasai School under the office of Kalasin Primary Education Service Area 1. Using the assessment CIPPiest model, the group of informants in the project assessment consisted of school administrators 5, teachers in charge of project 3, 89 teachers, and a board of basic education institutions of 13 members. This does not include the school committee who are teachers and school administrators, amounting to 2 people, 537 students in grades 4-6 and parents of 537 students in grades 4-6. The tools used for data collection consisted of 4 project evaluation forms, and an open-ended project evaluation form. The statistics used to analyze the data were Mean, Standard Deviation, and content analysis. Project evaluation results found that : (1) Context Assessment Results of the Honest School Project found that overall was at a high level which passed the specified evaluation criteria. (2) Results of the assessment of the input factors of the Honest School Project found that overall was at a high level and passed the specified evaluation criteria. (3) Evaluation results of the process of the Honest School Project found that overall was at the highest level which passed the specified evaluation criteria. (4) Results of the Productivity Evaluation of Honest School Project found that overall was at a high level and passed the specified evaluation criteria. Considering each section is as follows: (A) Part 1: Effects on students Overall assessment results at a high level. (B) Part 2: Effects on teachers and school administrators' overall assessment results at a high level. (C) Part 3: Effects on Educational Institutions Overall assessment results at a high level.
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