Influence of Supplier Relationship Management on Operational Performance of Modern in Muang District, Khon Kaen Province
Relationship Management Efficiency; , Raw Material Suppliers; , Modern Retail; , Location; , LogisticsAbstract
Currently, the fresh food business has an increasing demand due to the expansion of the restaurant business both domestically and internationally. For foreign countries, there has been an expansion of economic cooperation in neighboring regions, resulting in the expansion of more arable land to accelerate the production of products to meet the market demand. Thus, the objective of this research is to manage supplier relationships of modern retailers. in Muang District, Khon Kaen Province by studying personal factors Work experience, type of business, number of employees, and position, and studying the supplier relationship factors that influence the effectiveness of the supplier relationship management efficiency of modern retailers. The tool used was collecting data from a sample of 25 sets and using direct interviews. Modern Retail Operator's Data were analyzed by statistics used were percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The statistics used for hypothesis testing were One-Way ANOVA and Multiple Regression Analysis. From a sample of 25 retail stores, most of them have a business period of 1 - 5 years and are sole proprietorships. and have a personal income of between 20, 001 – 30,000 baht The hypothesis test found the significance of the variable, the duration of the business, the nature of the business, and the average income per month. The value is greater than the level of significance 0.05 indicates that the duration of the business, the nature of the business, and the average income per month. It affects the efficiency of the supplier relationship management of modern retailers no different. The regression coefficient test found that only one independent variable had a significant effect on the purchasing efficiency of modern retailers, namely shipping and logistics. The forecast coefficient was 84.2%, and the remaining 15.8% were factors other than those mentioned above, namely, factors other than those mentioned above. The forecast equation can be written as y = 0.173 + 0. 936 Shipping and transportation According to the research results, entrepreneurs must focus on more efficient delivery and logistics. This will enable raw material suppliers to respond more precisely to the needs of customers. And the raw material suppliers will be able to deliver the products in exactly the quantity and time the customers need. This will affect the purchasing efficiency of modern retailers to be more efficient.
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Copyright (c) 2022 วันเพ็ญ เพ็งสมบูรณ์, สวรรค์ลม สุทธิอาจ, จรรทิมา ทาทอง, ศุภรัตน์ อัครพิสิฐวงศ์, วัลย์ประภา ภิรมย์ภัฎ

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