Guidelines on Strategic Management of Educational Institution Administrators under Suphan Buri Primary Education Service Area Office 3




Strategic Management; , Educational Institution Management


Implementation of strategic plans in basic education institutions is the heart of educational administration because it is the crucial driving mechanism for more efficient and effective development of quality and standard of educational institutions. Presently, implementing strategic plans appropriately is still an important problem. This research aimed to 1) study the current state, the desirable state, and needs in strategic management and 2) study guidelines appropriate for strategic management of educational institution administrators. The sample comprised 313 administrators and teachers, obtained through stratified random sampling. The tools used were a structured interview form and a questionnaire having a reliability of 0.95. The statistics employed in the analysis of data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and need an index. The research results were as follows: (1) The current state of strategic management, on the whole, was at a high level. Ranked in descending order according to the mean, the aspects were as follows: environmental analysis, strategy formulation, and strategic assessment and control were at the high level, while strategic implementation was at the moderate level; the desirable state, on the whole, was at the high level. Ranked in descending order according to the mean, the aspects were as follows: strategy implementation, strategy formulation, strategic assessment and control and environmental analysis; the needs in strategic management, on the whole, had the need indexes ranked in descending order as follows: strategy implementation, strategy formulation, strategic assessment and control and environmental analysis. (2) The guidelines appropriate for strategic management comprised: (A) environmental analysis by using SWOT analysis in order to make educational quality development plans and annual fiscal plans, external and internal environmental analysis for strategy formulation; (B) strategy formulation by adjusting previous strategies and applying them to suit the strategies in every level of organization of affiliation, mobilization of ideas of stakeholders of educational institution administration by using PDCA in driving the strategies systematically; maintaining the status and advantages in competition; (C) strategy implementation by transforming the strategic plans into operational plans, updating data by correcting them and making them clear in every mission; taking actions according to the strategies and creating understanding in duties and roles of the stakeholders in taking actions; (D) strategic assessment and control by analyzing the performance in order to find ways to correct, consider and improve the strategic plans to be consistent with the current situation; using recommendations from the strategic assessment and control to improve the strategies that needed improvement; collecting the data and the results obtained for further strategic consideration.


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How to Cite

Chansawak, N. ., & Boonphadung, S. . (2023). Guidelines on Strategic Management of Educational Institution Administrators under Suphan Buri Primary Education Service Area Office 3. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(2), 59–76.


