Buddhist Application for Promoting People's Political Participation in Roi-Et Province
Buddhadhamma; , Promoting; , Political ParticipationAbstract
Political participation is one of the elements in driving democratic regimes towards the essence of a political regime that belongs to the people, by the people, and for the people, according to the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, 2017. It has given people more opportunities to participate in democratic politics. Therefore, the objectives of this research were (1) To study the general condition of promoting political participation of people in Roi Et Province. (2) To study the factors affecting the promotion of political participation of the people in Roi Et Province. (3) To propose a model for applying Buddhist good governance principles to promote the political participation of people in Roi Et Province. This research model is a combination of methods. The qualitative research used in-depth interviews with 18 key informants or persons. The data were analyzed by descriptive content analysis and a specific group discussion of 8 figures or persons, and the quantitative research used a questionnaire with total confidence of 0.943. Data were collected from the sample group, i.e. people who had the right to vote aged 18 years and over in Roi Et Province, all 7 constituencies, amounting to 400 samples. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results of the research were as follows: (1) The general condition of promoting political participation of the people in Roi Et Province. Community environment People in Roi Et province participate in politics divided into 3 levels: political observation level Political Contributions and Political Partnerships political psychology having a strong interest in politics allow people to become more involved in politics. causing faster political development is a factor that greatly affects political participation. In terms of applying the principles of the Abnormal Dhamma 7, promoting political participation of the people in Roi Et Province, Regular meetings lead to communication. Expression and building understanding and acceptance of setting rules and regulations, in the same way, will lead to participation in politics because it is democratic and can be achieved according to the goals of the activities. (2) The results of the analysis of factors affecting the promotion of political participation of the people in Roi Et province revealed that the multiple correlation coefficient (R) between a set of factors or predictors and the promotion of political participation of People in Roi Et Province is equal to 0.174. And the forecast coefficient (R2) equal to 0.30 indicates that the set of forecasters can predict the promotion of political participation of the people in Roi Et Province by 30.0%, with a statistically significant level of .05 (95% confidence) and the analytical prediction standard was 2.063, which is an acceptable value. It shows that all 14 predictive variables have no relationship between them at all. which is an acceptable value. (3) The model of applying Buddhist good governance principles to promote political participation of people in Roi Et province found that people in Roi Et Province had 3 levels of political participation: (3.1) political observation level, (3.2) political participation, and (3.3) political partnership. And the model of applying Buddhist good governance principles to promote the political participation of people in Roi Et province can be divided into promoting political participation of people in Roi Et province. It consists of promotion in 3 sectors: the first is the individual sector, the second place is relevant local or provincial corporate sectors, and the sector at the level that can set the policy, or at the federal level or the central authority involved in policy making.
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