Happiness at Work Affecting Performance Effectiveness of the Personnel of Sakon Nakhon Provincial Administration Department, Interior Ministry
Work Happiness; , Performance EffectivenessAbstract
The Work happiness of personnel is therefore an important part that will result in the effectiveness of the mission, duties, or activities that are carried out to achieve the goals set. On the other hand, if personnel encounter any problems or obstacles, it may result in reduced productivity. Thus, the purposes of this research included the following: (1) To study the level of Work happiness and performance effectiveness of the personnel of Sakon Nakhon Provincial Administration Department, Interior Ministry. (2) To investigate the influences of Work happiness on the performance effectiveness of the personnel of Sakon Nakhon Provincial Administration Department, Interior Ministry. (3) To explore and gain guidelines on enhancing and developing the performance effectiveness of the personnel of Sakon Nakhon Provincial Administration Department, Interior Ministry. Obtained through stratified random sampling technique, the samples were composed of 226 personnel of Sakon Nakhon Provincial Administration Department, Interior Ministry (government officials, full-time employees, government employees, and hired employees). The questionnaire was used as the tool for data collection and statistics employed for data analysis incorporated frequency, percentage, standard deviation, and Multiple Regression Analysis. The study revealed these results: 1) The overall Work happiness of the personnel of Sakon Nakhon Provincial Administration Department, Interior Ministry was at a high level. Likewise, the performance effectiveness of the personnel of Sakon Nakhon Provincial Administration Department, Interior Ministry, as a whole was at a high level as well. (2) In terms of their Work happiness, these aspects significantly influenced the performance effectiveness of the personnel of Sakon Nakhon Provincial Administration Department, Interior Ministry, at .01 statistical level: success in work (β=.446), recognition/acceptance (β=.221), connection and relationship (β=.171), and love of working (HAP1) (β=.171). These aspects could be used jointly to correctly predict the performance effectiveness of the personnel of Sakon Nakhon Provincial Administration Department, Interior Ministry 78.70% (R2Adj=.787). (3) These guidelines were given for enhancing and developing performance effectiveness: the administrators should improve their potential for running their administrative work by either increasing and pursuing their knowledge/education by themselves or attending training to enable themselves to efficiently execute their jobs; proper policies and administration should be established so that the officials/staff can work happily, encouragingly and be motivated to develop the quality of their work lives; the personnel should be taken care of equally and as much as possible; teamwork should be supported; the capabilities of the personnel in every level should be continuously developed; work environment/atmosphere should be improved to make it suitable to work; adequate tools/devices/materials should be provided, and the personnel should be allowed to take part in setting up the goals of functioning their work.
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