Naheenukroh School Scout Activity Management Model, Nong Khai Educational Service Area Office 1
Model; , Management; , ScoutAbstract
Scouting activity is the process of developing a person's mental, physical and moral competence in order to become a good citizen and not be a problem to society and living a meaningful and happy life. Objectives of this research were to 1) develop the Naheenukroh school scout activity management model, 2) to verify the validity of the Naheenukroh school scout activity management model, and 3) to study the results of using and certify the Naheenukroh school scout activity management model. The samples used in this research were 9 teachers, 110 students in academic year 2021 of Naheenukrohschool. The research instruments were 1) the Naheenukroh school scout activity management model, NongKhai Educational Service Area Office 1, 2) expert interview questionnaire, 3) teacher opinion questionnaire, 4) student satisfaction questionnaire, 5) student discipline assessment form, and 6) certification assessment form. The statistics used in the research were percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results of the research found that 1) components of the scouting management model include the principles of the scouting, model objectives, management strategies, participatory management of scouting activities, and the measurement and evaluation, 2) the teacher’s opinions on the use of the scout activity management model, overall, it’s at the highest level, 3) the students’ satisfaction with the use of the scout activity management model, overall, it’s at the highest level, 4) discipline of students, overall, the evaluation results were at an excellent level, and 5) the results of the assessment of the suitability and feasibility of applying the overall scouting activity management model are at the highest level.
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