The Model of Development of Tourism Routes with Ecological and Cultural Potential in Muang District, Nong Bua Lamphu Province
Linkage Tourism Routes; , Ecotourism and Cultural SitesAbstract
Tourism in all areas, whether traditional tourism or new tourism, has both positive impacts. generating income for the community Shops, Tour operators, and bringing traditions, art, and culture to tourists The people in the community and the government work together to create a tourist attraction to attract tourists. Cooperate with the public, private, community, and university levels. Therefore, in the study of The model of development of tourism routes with ecological and cultural potential in Muang District Nong Bua Lamphu Province The research objectives are (1) to survey tourism resources and assess the potential of eco- and cultural tourism sites. (2) to determine the model of tourism routes with ecological and cultural potential. (3) to develop tourism activities in tourist attractions with ecological and cultural potential. (4) To promote tourism routes with ecological and cultural potential in the area of Mueang District Nong Bua Lamphu Province Mixed methods, both qualitative and quantitative, were used in qualitative studies conducted through workshops, brainstorming sessions, discussion group meetings. to develop an efficient model of tourist attraction survey As for the quantitative research study, it was a survey by questionnaire to evaluate the model designation to determine the tourism route model with ecological potential and linkage culture in Muang district. Nong Bua Lamphu Province Data collection by surveying tourism resources and assessing the potential of ecotourism and cultural attractions of experts. The research results found that (1) Tourism resource survey and assessment of ecological and cultural tourism potential There were 38 tourist attractions, categorized into 18 ecotourism sites and 20 cultural sites. (2) Determination of tourism routes with ecological and cultural potential It was found that the design of tourism routes with ecological potential and cultural linkage in Muang district Nong Bua Lamphu Province get a model of eco-tourism route, tourism resources Natural and cultural attractions in 1 district, there are 38 places with good cost. Make an appropriate tour package. There may be 3 types: 1. One day trip, 2. Two days one night, 3. Three days and two nights for tourists to select. As a group tour, FIT is traveling by yourself, arranging a New Normal travel route to suit the current situation. by educating understanding with tour guides and tourists to keep up with the era in the current state of conducting surveys from these 38 tourist sites to study with a group of tourists to arrange them into a tourist route point by using questionnaire No. 1, Sai Boon Agricultural Communities Wat Tham Klong Phen, number 88 people, accounted for 35.3%, No. 2 Phu Phan Noi, 85 people, equivalent to 34.1%, No. 3 Ban Huai Dua Market, 78 people, accounted for 31.3%, No. 4, Tao To Waterfall, 71 people think. was 28.5 percent, 5th place, Bua Ban Forest Park, amounting to 63 people, accounting for 25.3 percent, 6th place, Huai Tadkha, Ban Huay Sai, 51 people, accounting for 20.5%, 7th place, 46 people, representing Ban Huay Sai homestay. 18.5, No. 8, Phu Hin Ladchofa, 43 people, accounted for 17.3%, No. 9, Tham Din Pieng Wang Sua Hung, 43 people, accounted for 17.3%, No. 10, Suksawat Rai, 42 people, accounted for 15.3%, has a form of tourism. There are 3 types: 1) Day Trip type. Suitable for local people 2) 2 days 1 night trip for people in the Isan area. (3) 3 days 2-night trip suitable for people who come from far away As a group tour, you can either drive yourself or ride a bike yourself. (3) Tourism activity development in tourist attractions with ecological and cultural potential. Nong Bua Lamphu Province which was discovered as a small province in the upper northeastern region of Thailand a source of civilization Has flourished since the prehistoric era. Color paintings on Phu Kao - Phu Phan Kham, Non-Sang District, Tharawadee era. Bai Sema has every district. and the Lan Xang art era, such as Khun Yai Khem Muang, the governor of Nong Bua (In the reign of King Fa Ngum), Buddha image Phra Chai Chettha Wat Tham Suwan Khuha, Wat Si Khun Mueang, Chao Pang Kham The governor of Wiang Champan, Kab Kaeo Bua Ban, Phra Wa-Phra Ta Governor of Nakhon Khuean Khan Kae Kaew Bua Ban, and the Shrine of King Naresuan the Great. And (4) Public relations on tourism routes with ecological and cultural potential in Mueang District In Nong Bua Lamphu Province, it was found that the management model preferred to emphasize the word management partner rather than participation. It will allow the community to get a job, get a career, and earn income from the area or attraction there and nearby communities get more attention. causing economic growth There must be a strategy for focusing on bronze results (TV, YouTube).
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