Evaluation of the Project to Promote and Develop Learning Center According to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy for Sustainability, Bannongbuasaadpokom School, Phibun Rak District, Udon Thani Province





Project Evaluation; , Learning Center; , Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy


The Sufficiency Economy Philosophy emphasizes developing people to be self-reliant to live without oppressing others and be happy as they are, know how to share, be generous, and be able to live together in society happily. Objectives of this project assessment To assess the project to promote and develop a learning center according to the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy in education for sustainability, Bannongbuasaadpokom School, Phibun Rak District, Udon Thani Province. The sample groups used in this assessment were 5 teachers, 8 basic education committees, 64 students, and 64 parents, a total of 141 people. The tools used to collect data are questionnaires. The statistics used to analyze the data were percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The project evaluation results found that the evaluation of the project to promote and develop learning centers according to the philosophy of sufficiency economy in education for sustainability Overall, it was at a high level, with details as follows: (1) In terms of context, the overall level was at a high level. When sorted by average from descending, the top three are: the project objectives are clear, followed by the project's objectives to benefit, and the project is consistent with the parent's policy. (2) In terms of Input, overall, it’s at the highest level. When sorted by average from descending, the top three are: personnel have knowledge and understanding, followed by management who have awareness and readiness for project implementation and suitable project site. (3) In terms of process, overall, it’s at the highest level. When sorted in descending order of averages, they were 1) planning, 2) doing, 3) checking, and 4) action. A and (4) In terms of product, overall, it’s at the highest level. When sorted in descending, the top three are: there is a policy to apply the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, followed by students having knowledge and teachers and educational personnel living following the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy. The opinions of students, overall, it’s at the highest level. When sorted in descending, the top three are: The students were happy, followed by the students with knowledge and understanding, and this project was beneficial to learning. The opinions of the parents of students, overall, it’s at a high level. When sorted in descending, the top three are: The project was beneficial to learning, followed by the value and benefit of the project and the students had diligent and economical behavior, eager to learn, and were responsible.


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How to Cite

Sompong, N. . (2022). Evaluation of the Project to Promote and Develop Learning Center According to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy for Sustainability, Bannongbuasaadpokom School, Phibun Rak District, Udon Thani Province. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 2(5), 397–414. https://doi.org/10.14456/iarj.2022.103