The Development of Element’s Happiness in Ongkharak Demonstration School, Srinakharinwirot University
Development; , Happiness;, Demonstration School; , Srinakharinwirot UniversityAbstract
Happiness in school is another Important element that results in learning. Self-awareness and continuous self-development. However, Nowadays, many factors affect happiness in school. The purpose of this study was to investigates the element of happiness, factors influencing happiness, and finding the guidelines to developing the element of happiness in ongkharak demonstration school, Srinakharinwirot university. This study employed a mixed-methods approach; First, starting from qualitative research and analysis unit with organization. Data were collected with 4 groups of informants, namely (1) 5 administrators, (2) 10 teachers, (3) 10 students, and (4) 5 parents. The interview method was used differently as appropriate of the target group and included contents analysis. Finally, there's quantitative research. Data were collected by census survey with all personnel, divided into 2 groups: (1) operational personnel and (2) academic personnel. A total of 89 patients were assessed using a questionnaire that was subjected to professional scrutiny. To evaluate the research hypothesis, the data were examined using descriptive statistics, and multiple regression statistics. The results showed that, there are 7 elements of happiness in ongkharak demonstration school, Srinakharinwirot university; (1) good health (2) good social support (3) good fun and relaxation (4) good opportunity (5) good spend money (6) good living and (7) good organization. Furthermore, the results revealed that the happiness of the employees were moderate level accounted for 61.80 percent, and the highest percentage of the average score on good social support happiness was 83.38 percent, followed by good opportunity at 75.77 percent, but good health happiness was at a minimum. 57.61 percent of the total. When the factors influencing happiness were examined, it was discovered that emotional and psychological social support (Beta = 0.428) and organizational process plans and policies (Beta = 0.383) had a statistically significant influence on happiness at the level 0.01, which is based on the research hypothesis, and the variables could explain the variation by 33.2 percent (R2 = 0.332) and 30.4 percent (R2 = 0.304), respectively.
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