A Study of Motivational Factors and Cultural Adjustment of Chinese Youth Studying or Living in Thailand: The Case of Nonthaburi
Motivational Factors; , Cultural Adaptation; , Chinese Youth; , Chinese Youth in ThailandAbstract
The migration trend of the Chinese youth to Thailand is increasing nowadays. Such migration affects a wide range of changes in society, ethnicity, and culture. Cultural adaptation of the Chinese youth in order to live in a new and different society is therefore important. Thus, this article aimed to (1) study the motivational factors of the Chinese youth that come to study or work in Thailand, and (2) study the cultural adaptation of the Chinese youth in the area of adaptation problems, good adaptation practices, and the need for support during the cultural adaptation process. This research was mixed between quantitative research and qualitative research. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire, created by the researcher, with a reliability index between 0.75 to 0.84. Data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, frequency, percentage, and t-test statistics. The research results were found as follows; 1) In terms of incentives for studying or living in Thailand, it was found that the top three incentive factors for studying in Thailand were (1) the reputation of educational institutions in Thailand (2) quality of education in Thailand, and (3) living environment. 2) In terms of cultural adaptation of the Chinese youth, it was found that important cultural adaptation problems were (1) daily life (2) performance of work, and (3) food consumption. The first three adaptation practices were (1) associating with Thai friends, (2) working in groups with Thai friends, and (3) searching online databases. Regarding the need for assistance in cultural adaptation, the most important items were (1) training that provides information during the first period of studying or living in Thailand (2) an FAQ database for Q&A services, and (3) an advisory website.
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