Using Local Literature in Lampang Province for Developing Reading and Critical Thinking
Local Literature Using; , Reading; , Analytical ThinkingAbstract
Analytical thinking is one of the essential skills of the 21st-century world's desirable characteristics, this may be because it is a science that is concerned with distinguishing and verifying the reliability of data, interpreting correlation analysis, and others that are critical to decision-making and data analysis. Thus, This research article aims; (1) To create an English lesson plan for study skills from the content analysis that can be linked to the development of reading and critical thinking skills from local literature in Lampang Province. And (2) to compare reading skills and analytical thinking in English of students before and after studying using local literature in Lampang Province to develop reading and critical thinking skills. The sample group used in the research were the 2 groups of students enrolled in English for study skills in the General Education Course, Lampang Rajabhat University, in the second academic semester of 2001. The researcher was responsible to teach them. This purposive sampling method was used in this research. The research tools are: English for study skills lesson plans those were analyzed and the content could be linked to the development of reading and critical thinking skills by using the local literature in Lampang Province for 17 plans with 3 local kinds of literature. Reading and critical thinking was assessed with a 30-item pre-study test that was assessed by experts. The data were analyzed for the effectiveness of the teaching plan by estimating the efficiency by statistical methods using the criterion E1/E2=80/80 percentage statistics. The results of the test before and after the class were compared by Mean, Standard Deviation, and t-test (Dependent sample). The results showed that the English for Learning Skills lesson plan from the content analysis can be linked to the development of reading and critical thinking skills from local literature in Lampang Province has an efficiency of E1/E2 equal to 85.99/80.09. due to the specified criteria and the reading and critical thinking skills of students enrolled in English for Study at Lampang Rajabhat University from using local literature in Lampang Province. The development of reading and analytical thinking skills had an average pre-study test score of 16.14, an average post-study test score of 24.03, and a t-test of 27.04. Therefore, the test scores indicating reading and analytical thinking skills after school were significantly higher than before at the .01 level.
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