Wisdom of Durian Production in Chanthaburi: Creative Economy for Export
Wisdom of Durian Production;, Creative Economy; , ExportAbstract
The development of agriculture by driving through the creative economy as a source of income is the heart of the creative economy, which is the foundation of knowledge from learning and traditional wisdom that has been combined with culture to produce products by using technology. or innovation in agriculture to create added value. Durian market demand and increase in durian production that meet the Good Farmer Quality Management Process (GAP), Pest Risk Assessment Standard, Pesticide Residue, and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Standard. The problem of purchasing Thai fruits is being intervened by foreign capital groups. It is urgently necessary to conduct research on the yield of increased quantity and quality, including the standardization data. Thus, this research was to study the wisdom of durian production by farmers, to study durian exports from Chanthaburi Province to the People’s Republic of China, and to assess the guidelines for durian export to the People’s Republic of China. In this study, the qualitative research methodology was used. The data collection was conducted through interviews, observations, and focus group discussions, and data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results found that the most popular durian cultivar grown by farmers is Mon Thong. Farmers often plant a single or two durian trees per hole. For export, durian is usually classified into Grade A (packed in boxes), Grade B (smaller durian with cheaper price), Grade C (mixed-size), and Grade D (durian with defects). Farmers sell durians in several ways, including whole garden sales, harvesting and selling by farmers, and selling premium grade durians to fruit-packing houses (Long) owned by Chinese or Thai people. Farmers improve their durian sales through GAP registration and chilling for year-round sales. This increases export channels as a creative economy. The assessment reveals that the exports must strictly comply with government export methods and procedures. There are several export routes which include the sea route from Laem Chabang Port to Hong Kong and Shanghai, the land route through roads in Northern Thailand through Laos to China, the air route by Thai airlines, and the rail route through Lao high-speed railway.
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