A Cross-Sample Analysis of Need to Learn and Factor Affecting the Selection to Study in Graduate Diploma Program in Teaching Profession
Need to Learn; , Graduate Diploma Program in Teaching Profession; , Teaching CareerAbstract
Nowadays, having a permanent career path that can support oneself and family. It is what human beings want to occur. One of the professions is a teacher that human beings want to be. The route to taking a step in a teaching profession career is taking a graduate diploma program in the teaching profession for getting a job opportunity. The purpose of this study was to study the need to learn in a graduate diploma program in the teaching profession and to compare the factor affecting the selection to study in a graduate diploma program in the teaching profession among college students who were out of bachelor’s degree in education and teachers who received the temporary teaching license. A total of 244 samples were students in 138 bachelor’s degree of education programs students and 106 teachers who received a temporary teaching license. The instrument of this study was the factor affecting the selection to study in the graduate diploma program and the need to learn scale. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, t-tests, and multiple linear regression. The result of this study revealed that the teachers’ need who received a temporary teaching license (M=89.72) was greater than students’ need who are out of bachelor’s degree in education (M=32.55). the factor affecting the selection to study in a graduate diploma program in the teaching profession among college students who were out of bachelor’s degree in education and teachers who received a temporary teaching license was the difference. The best factor predicting the need to learn in a graduate diploma program in the teaching profession were career path and characteristics for teachers who received the temporary teaching license and student background and parent support for students who were out of a bachelor’s degree of education program.
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