The Development of Participatory Management Model for Developing the Student’s Life Skill in Kuchinarai School, Kalasin Province
Development; , Model; , Participatory Management; , Life SkillsAbstract
Life skills are the ability to adapt to behavior in a way that enables a person to effectively deal with the needs and stimuli of everyday life. It is one of the number’s essential skills in the 21st century categorized in the Life and Work Skills category. Thus, the purposes of this research were to find: (1) Study the Essential needs to develop students’ important competence. (2) Study the present conditions of participatory management for students’ life skills. (3) Develop the model of participatory management for life skill development. (4) Implement the model of participatory management for life skill development. And (5) Estimate the model of participatory management for life skill development. The research is a research & development method. The research procedure consisted of 5 phases. Collecting data by exploratory, questionnaire, and interview. The data were analyzed by using basic statistics, mean and standard deviation, and a t-test. The research finding was as follow. (1) The needed assessment of the first part of developing a student’s important competence is the ability to use life skills. (2) The current condition of the participatory management development of life skills was at a medium. (3) The model the participatory management for life skill development consists of the board of executive committee, Scope of activities, and Management process for life skills development. (4) The experimental result of participatory management for life skill development. There are 3 results were found that the participatory management development for Developing the Student’s Life Skill and the process were at a high level, the mean was at 3.93 which was higher than before the experiment, and the use of the model of statistical significance was at a level. After the experiment, the results of participatory management for life skills were at a high level, the mean was 4.42 which was higher than the before experiment at 0.5. And (5) The result of participative management for developing life skills, found that the process was at the highest level, mean was at 4.58, and all of 4 parts, mean was at highest, which sort in descending order are a possibility, suitability, accuracy, and usefulness.
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