Influences of Administrative Factors and Strategic Leadership Affecting the Efficiency of the Services of Mueang Nakhon Phanom Local Administrative Organizations, Nakhon Phanom Province
Administrative Factors; , Strategic Leadership; , Efficiency of the ServicesAbstract
Providing services to people in the bureaucratic system is a state mechanism that has been implemented. Service quality of government agencies It can be classified as a new issue or concept that government agencies must operate in accordance with the framework and context of the reform of the Thai public administration system. The purposes of this research included the following: (1) To study the level of administrative factors, strategic leadership and the efficiency of the services. (2) To investigate the influences of administrative factors and strategic leadership on the efficiency of the services. This study was held at Mueang Nakhon Phanom Local Administrative Organizations, Nakhon Phanom Province. The samples were composed of 273 personnel of Mueang Nakhon Phanom Local Administrative Organizations, Nakhon Phanom Province. They were obtained through stratified random sampling technique. The tool used for data collection was a questionnaire and statistics employed for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Multiple Regression Analysis. The study revealed these results: (1) The overall administrative factors was at a high level. In the same vein, the administrators’ overall strategic leadership was at a high level. while the overall efficiency of the services was also at a high level. (2) In terms of the administrative factors, these aspects significantly influenced on the efficiency of the services was at .05 statistical level: ethics and morality (β =.563), budget (β =.359), and work style/method (β=.183). Altogether, these aspects could be used to correctly predict the efficiency of the services for 67.10% (R2Adj=.671). Nevertheless, these aspects did not influence on the efficiency of the services: administration, personnel, supplies/materials/devices, and management. Regarding the administrators’ strategic leadership, these aspects significantly influenced on the efficiency of the services was at .01 statistical level: establishing the balanced organizational control (β =.290) and determining strategic direction (β=.268). In addition, these aspects could be used jointly to predict the efficiency of the services for 43.10% (R2Adj =.431). On the contrary, the administration of the organizational resources, an efficient support of the organizational culture, and the decent/moral performance did not influence on the efficiency of the services.
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