Work Motivation Affecting Happiness at Work for the Personnel of the Ministry of Labor in the Upper Northeastern Region 2
Work Motivation; , Happiness at WorkAbstract
The purposes of the research included the following: (1) To study the level of work motivation and happiness at work for the personnel, (2) To compare the level of happiness at work for the personnel when being classified by personal characteristics, (3) To investigate the influences of work motivation and happiness at work for the personnel. This research was held at the Ministry of Labor in the Upper Northeastern Region 2. The samples consisted of 179 personnel of the Ministry of Labor in the Upper Northeastern Region 2. They were gained by stratified random sampling technique. The questionnaire was used as a data collection tool and the statistics employed for data analysis were composed of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, T-test, One-way ANOVA, and Multiple Regression Analysis. The study revealed these results: (1) The work motivation for the personnel as a whole, was at a high level. The overall happiness at work for the personnel was also at a high level. (2) Based on different provinces where this personnel worked, the happiness at work for the personnel significantly statistically differed at a 0.05 level. However, when comparing their happiness based on the varied genders, ages, educational backgrounds, work experiences, and monthly incomes, their happiness at work did not differ. (3) Regarding work motivation, it was found that these aspects significantly influenced happiness at work for the personnel at a 0.01 statistical level: job security/stability, the opportunity for professional progress, job characteristics, work policy and administration, recognition, and career status and development. At the same time, the responsibility of the personnel statistically influenced their happiness at work at a 0.05 level of significance. Altogether, these components could be used to correctly predict the happiness at work for the personnel for 94.90% (R2Adj=.949).
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