The Development of Infographics in the Design of Online Lessons for the Industrial Teacher Students
Infographic; , Design of Online Lesson; , Industrial Teacher StudentsAbstract
Nowadays, there are many modern and interesting learning media and information technology to facilitate both teachers and learners to study at all levels from early childhood to higher education because learning media is a medium used for transferring skills and experiences from teachers to learners and stimulates learners to be interested in learning. Infographics are learning materials that are interesting, colorful, and beautiful graphics help to capture the attention of learners. And then, the objectives of this research were: 1) to develop of infographic in the design of online lessons, 2) to Compare the learning achievement before and after learning with an infographic in the design of online lessons, and 3) to study the satisfaction of learners to the infographic in the design of the online lesson. The sample for this research study were 13 students of the Bachelor of Science in Technical Educational Program in Electrical Engineering and Industrial Engineering in semester 1/2020 at the Faculty of Industrial Education, the Rajamaagala University of Technology Suvanabhumi selected by purposive sampling. The research instruments included an Infographic in the design of an online lesson, an achievement test, and a satisfaction evaluation form for learners. Statistics used were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and dependent samples t-test. The result of the study showed (1) the appropriation of infographics in the design of online lessons at a high level, (2) Learners’ achievement of learning after the infographic in the design of online lessons was significantly higher than before at the.05 levels, and (3) the satisfaction of learners for using of infographic in the design of online lesson was high level.
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