Public Administration In the Era of Participation
Participatory Public Administration; , the Era of Public ParticipationAbstract
The idea of giving people the opportunity to participate in expressing their opinions in public administration. To use in decision-making originated in ancient Greece and centuries. 18-20, which was republished in the Western world in 1960. Participatory public administration is an opportunity for people to participate in information and opinion management to seek alternatives and make decisions about proper public administration with all concerned parties and make it easier to implement. Therefore, this article aims to; (1) Study the concept of participatory public administration. (2) Forms and procedures of participatory public administration. (3) Conditions for participatory public administration. And (4) the benefits of participatory public administration. Participatory public administration originated in ancient Greece, but for Thailand it has become clear in its application to the Thai bureaucracy since 2003, which has stipulated the rights of the people in several sections of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand in many editions, allowing the people to have the right to participate in government actions that affect the quality of life of the people and the development of the country in various. In addition, there is a growing public awareness of the right to awareness and the right to participate in what is often referred to as the era of participation and is likely to become even more in the future. As a result, the government sector needs to be adapted to become a bureaucratic system that inevitably allows people to take part in the administration of public affairs that is more concrete.
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