Brand Building and Packaging Strategy for Strawberry Products to Increase Market Value: Case Study of Pong Yaeng Nok, Maerim district, Chiang Mai Province
Branding; , Packaging; , Market Value; , Market OpportunityAbstract
Research for brand and packaging development of strawberry farmer groups is a collaborative work between the researcher and the community through participatory action research. This research aims to build a brand and create packaging with stories (story-telling) from the community. The research objectives are: (1) study and analyze the marketing situation that supports the promotion of strawberry products. (2) develop the strawberry brand based on stories from the community and (3) create the packaging for strawberry products to increase market value, expand market opportunity, and use for commercial benefits. The researcher conducted the study by using qualitative research. Data were collected through interviews and group discussions. Content analysis is used to analyze qualitative data. The result of the research following the research objectives are as followed: (1) The marketing situation to promote the marketing of strawberry products showed that the target group of strawberries was tourists from upcountry and the popular activity is to drive up to the Samoeng route to visit the strawberry farms, Mon Jam, Chrysanthemum flower fields, waterfalls, elephant camps, etc. This tourist group prefers to buy strawberries for themselves and as a souvenir when traveling back to their homes. The current branding and packaging of the group are like any other conventional brand. Secondly, in developing a brand that reflects the image of the community the group must create the brand’s personality that connects to the lifestyle of the target consumers. This is to make consumers feel that the brand of farmers in Ban Pong Yang Nok, Mae Rim District, Chiang Mai Province reflects the story of the community. Finally, strawberry packaging design for creating added value, expanding market opportunities, and for commercial purposes influence consumers’ purchasing decisions. Hence, it should attract attention and provide information about products and manufacturers on the packaging. The important findings can be used to create business shared values (CSV) from the integration of community production that leads to brand loyalty.
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