Attitudes Concerning the Rights and Duties of Participating in the Operation of the Local Government Organization of the People in Maha Sarakham Province
Local Government Organization; , Attitude; , ParticipationAbstract
Public participation is a universal principle recognized as important and necessary in a democratic society. The constitutional law, which is the country's supreme ruler, clearly reflects its intention to promote public participation, including reforming public administration under the concept of participatory public administration. This research was to study; 1) the level of attitudes concerning the rights and duties of participating in the operation of the local government organization of the people in Maha Sarakham Province. 2) the level of participation in the operation of the local government organization of the people in Maha Sarakham Province; 3) To study the relationship between attitudes towards rights, duties, participation, and participation in the operations of local government organizations of people in Maha Sarakham Province. The sample consisted of 400 people aged 18 years and over. The instruments used in the research were questionnaires. The statistics used to analyze the data were Mean and Standard Deviation. Then Pearson's correlation coefficient technique was used to test the correlation. The results of the research can be summarized as follows; (1) Attitudes about the rights and duties of participating in the operations of local government organizations of people in Maha Sarakham Province are at a good level. (2) Participation in the operation of local government organizations of people in Maha Sarakham Province is at a low level. (3) There are no relations between attitudes towards rights and duties and the level of participation in the operation of local government organizations of people in Maha Sarakham Province. And (4) Level of participation in the operation of local government organizations of people in Maha Sarakham Province can be promoted and encouraged by enhancing the attitudes about the rights and duties of participating in the operation of the local government organization of the people.
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