Developing English Spelling and Reading Aloud Skills on Literacy, Writing, and Communication Skills for Grade 1 Students by Using the CIPPA Model Teaching Style
English Spelling and Pronunciation Skills; , Teaching Model Based on CIPPA ModelAbstract
Education is a learning process for the growth of individuals and society by transferring knowledge, training, cultural continuation, creating academic progress, creating a body of knowledge resulting from the arrangement of conditions. The social environment of learning, and the factors that encourage the person to continue learning throughout life. The National Education Act of 1999 stipulates the purpose of educational management in Section 6 that “Education must be done in order to develop Thai people to be complete people, both physically, mentally, intellectually, knowledge and morals, ethics, conducting culture. Life can live happily with others”. Thus, this study aims to: (1) To develop English spelling and pronunciation skills on literacy and communicative skills by using the teaching model according to the CIPPA Model for Grade 1 students to be effective according to the 80/80 criteria. (2)To determine the index of effectiveness of books for improving spelling skills and reading aloud English on literacy and communicative skills by using the teaching model according to the CIPPA Model for Grade 1 students. (3) To compare the student's learning achievement before and after studying with books on the development of spelling and reading skills in English on literacy and communication by using the teaching model according to the CIPPA Model for students. Secondary school year 1. (4)To study the students' satisfaction with books, the development of English spelling and pronunciation skills on literacy and communicative skills by using the teaching model according to the CIPPA Model for Grade 1 students. The sample consisted of students in Mathayom 1/1, Sukphaiboon Wiriyawittaya School, under Nakhon Ratchasima Provincial Administrative Organization, 1st semester of the academic year 2020, 1 classroom, 22 people, obtained by Purposive Sampling, it took a 14-hour trial. There are three types of tools used in the study: (1) A book on the development of English spelling and reading aloud skills on literacy and communication by using the teaching model according to the CIPPA Model for Grade 1 students. (2) The learning achievement test was a multiple choice, four-choice, 40-item, with a discriminant power of 0.23 to 0.81, and a confidence value of 0.85. And (3) Student satisfaction scale, 5-level Rating Scale, 15 items, with a discriminating power ranging from 0.39 to 0.84, and the whole issue of confidence was 0.83. The statistics used were percentage, mean, standard deviation, efficacy index, and t–test (Dependent Sampling). The results showed that: (1) the books to develop spelling and reading skills in English on literacy and communication skills by using the teaching model according to the CIPPA Model had an efficiency is 82.66/82.95 which is higher than the set threshold of 80/80. (2) the students who study with books to develop spelling and reading skills in English on literacy and communication skills by using the teaching model according to the CIPPA Model had effectiveness index was 0.6629, indicating that the students had 66.29% higher learning progress. (3) the students who study with books to develop spelling and pronunciation skills in English on literacy and communication skills by using the teaching model according to the CIPPA Model had achievement higher after learning by statistically significantly at the .01 level. And (4) the satisfaction of students who study with books, the development of spelling and reading skills in English on literacy and communication skills by using the teaching model according to the CIPPA Model as overall was at highest level.
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