Thai Political Party Management to Participatory Democracy
Management; , Thai Political Parties; , Participatory DemocracyAbstract
Political parties are political institutions that are very important for the governance of democracy because political parties are like bridges between the people's sector and the government that serve to govern. Political parties are political institutions that have legitimacy in choosing representatives in the form of Elections to allow individuals or groups to act in the allocation of resources and the benefits of society. This article aims to study the current state, problems, and obstacles of Thai politics in democratic systems today, and to suggest the management of Thai political parties toward participatory democracy. The results showed that: (1) The lack of continuity in Thai political development in the past and the coup revolution failed political parties to develop into participatory democracy. The current management of Thai political parties depends on the situation and political changes, and political leaders by political parties adopt populist policies to build popular votes for political parties. And (2) Problems and obstacles in the development of participatory democracy in Thailand are caused by: (A) Factors within a political party are Political ideology, political participation, political party policies, structure, and management. Problems with the personal attributes of political party members in terms of the moral and ethical behavior of politicians. (B) External factors are the continuity of the operation of political parties, political party law, and the relationship between people and political parties.
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