Assessment of the Project for Developing an Environment that Promotes Learning for Students of Ban Pak Moo School, NongKhai Primary Educational Service Area Office 2
Project Evaluation; , Environment; , LearningAbstract
The learning environment is an important factor in the development of the quality of educational management. An educational institution with secure and clean classrooms, laboratories, and sufficient learning resources to enable students to live happily and safely will contribute to their success in their studies. The objectives of this project assessment were 1) to assess the project to develop an environment that promotes learning for students in four aspects, namely, context, inputs, process, and output, and 2) to inquire about students' opinions on the implementation of the project to develop an environment that promotes student learning for students, and 3) to inquire the opinions of parents on the implementation of the project to develop an environment that promotes student learning for students. The sample groups used in the assessment were 3 teachers, 8 basic education committees, 31 students, and 31 parents, a total of 73 people. The instrument used to collect the data was a questionnaire of 5 estimation scale types. The statistics used to analyze the data consisted of percentages, mean, and standard deviation. The project evaluation results found that 1) the result of an assessment of the project for developing an environment that promotes learning for students of Ban Pak Moo school, NongKhai Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 according to the opinions of teachers and the basic education committees overall, it's at a high level 2) the results of the questionnaire for the opinions of students towards the implementation of the project to develop an environment that promotes student learning for students of Ban Pak Mu school, NongKhai Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, overall, it’s at a high level, and 3) the results of the questionnaire for the opinions of parents towards the implementation of the project to develop an environment that promotes student learning for students of Ban Pak Mu school, NongKhai Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, overall, it’s at a high level.
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