The Development of An Economic Promotion Model for Organic Rice Community in Yasothorn Province
Model Development; , Strengthening the Community Economy; , Organic RiceAbstract
Developing a country that emphasizes culture and wisdom is one of the strategies for solving poverty, unemployment and improving the quality of life of rural people to have a better living, and it has become a key policy of the government. The principle of development is to use the knowledge that the community has in the process to generate income in a process and link to building a strong community by using the concept of community economy. Thus, this research aims to: 1) investigate the situation surrounding the economic development of the organic rice community in Yasothon Province; 2) develop a strategy to improve the economy of the organic rice community in Yasothon Province; and 3) assess the approach to economic development of the organic rice community in Yasothon Province. According to the study's findings, 1) Yasothon Province has an important natural water source and a majority of its residents work in agriculture. Farmers with organic jasmine rice goods, processed rice, and other processed rice products are working in rice fields. The farmer's community is a boat farming community established by a community group with income who came to create a group in the hopes of making a profit or increasing income as well as to increase family income. By reducing the cost of life, but the community's economic system is not sustainable due to a lack of education, the destruction of property and equipment, as well as the current COVID-19 outbreak.
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