Assessment of Student Discipline Promotion Project on Responsibility and Punctuality of Anubal Don Phai School, Nong Khai Primary Educational Service Area Office 1




Project Evaluation; , CIPP Model; , Discipline


Project assessment is the process of collecting data and analyzing data to obtain information for use in making decisions about whether to proceed with the project or terminate the project or maybe modified to make the operation more efficient. The objectives of this research were 1) to assess the project to promote student discipline on responsibility and punctuality, 2) to inquire about students’ opinions on student discipline responsibility and punctuality, 3) to inquire about the opinions of the parents on the student discipline responsibility and punctuality, and 4) to inquire about students’ satisfaction with the results of the student discipline promotion project on responsibility and punctuality. This research was held at Anubal Don Phai school, NongKhai Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. The sample consisted of 10 teachers, 8 basic education committees, 119 primary school students, and 119 parents, a total of 256 people of Anubal Don Phaischool, NongKhai Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. Data was collected between May 15, 2019 – March 31, 2020. The statistics used to analyze the data were Mean, Standard Deviation, and percentage. The project evaluation results found that overall, the average was 4.51 at the highest level. Classified by aspects, it was found that process evaluation had the highest average, followed by output evaluation, input evaluation, student satisfaction, parental opinion, and student opinion respectively.


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How to Cite

Rattanatisoi, P. . (2022). Assessment of Student Discipline Promotion Project on Responsibility and Punctuality of Anubal Don Phai School, Nong Khai Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 2(4), 519–540.