The Perceived Fairness and Indicators of Cultural Differences in Thailand: A Case Study of Community Cultural Differences in Pathumthani Province
Fairness; , Indicators;, CultureAbstract
In Thai society, there are various guiding principles for conducting the problems of inequality and fairness throughout the past year. However, the influence of beliefs and culture has influenced inequality and fairness in society, and in addition, people's views on the issue of fairness in society may have similar and different understandings as well. So, it is undeniable that fairness in the viewpoint of each group may have the same and different in every respect. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to 1) study the meaning of fairness from the perspective of community residents, 2) study the indicators of community fairness from the perspective of community residents, and 3) compare the fairness indicators of communities with their cultural diversity. This study was done using the qualitative method through in-depth interviews with two groups of key informants from two communities with cultural diversity, totaling 30 people (15 people per community), and a small group discussion of 10 people (5 people per community). The data were conducted by logical analysis, and rating analysis of community fairness indicators with cultural diversity based on repetition frequency from informants by coding for each sub-message. All indications were examined for accuracy and credibility in a shared viewing manner from a community-based small group discussion forum. The results of the study showed that: the definition of “fairness” from the perspective of community residents was equality without discrimination in rights and opportunities which must have and be received as human rights and as equally needed. In the study of indicators of fairness in each aspect, it was found that 1) the indicators of fairness in politics; two similar indications were found 2) the Indications of fairness in the economy, career, and income, the following indications were found three similar indications 3) the Indications of fairness in education, the following indications were found four similar indications 4) the Indications of fairness in public health, the following indications were found six similar indications 5) the Indications of fairness in government benefits, the following indications were found two similar indications 6) the Indications of fairness in the law, the following indications were found four similar indications and 7) the Indications of coexistence in society, the following indications were found eleven similar indications.
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