Factors Related to Buying Behavior of Eco-cars of Consumers in Laem Chabang, Chonburi Province
ECO-CARs; , Buying Behavior;, ConsumerAbstract
The domestic car market in 2017-2020 tends to recover sequentially, which will benefit both manufacturers and car dealers, resulting in increased sales revenue. In addition, dealers are also driven by continuous after-sales service income based on the number of cars under 5 years old accumulated in a large number of markets. From the factors mentioned above, the eco-car market is expanding rapidly to meet the needs of consumers around the world. Therefore, this research study is aimed to examine factors influencing the decision to purchase an Eco-friendly Car (ECO-CAR) by Consumers in Laem Chabang, Chonburi. Several 400 participants were selected using a random sampling method. A set of questionnaires was utilized as a tool to collect data. The analyses of the data were employed using statistics: Frequency, Percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation, and the Multiple Regression Analysis methods were chosen to test the hypothesis. The findings indicate that the majority of participants were female aged25-35 years old. They finished at least a Bachelor’s degree. Most of the participants were 20,001 – 30,000 Thai baht. The Marketing Mix factors influencing the decision to purchase an Eco-friendly Car (ECO-CAR) of Consumers in Laem Chabang, Chonburi rank as follows: Price (mean= 4.06), with the highest level of decision making, followed by marketing promotion (mean= 3.98), distribution channel (mean= 3.97) and product (mean=3.80) respectively. And the factors influencing the purchase decision of ECO-CAR for Consumers in Laem Chabang District Chonburi with a statistical significance of 0.05 were the product, the price, the distribution channels, and the marketing promotion.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Chompoonut Rianpreecha Chompoonut Rianpreecha, Anothai Bunyaboon, Sutep Tongpae, Wichian Chaiyawan

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