Developing Collaborative Learning Activities with Jigsaw Techniques in the Economics, Secondary 1 Students
Cooperative Learning Activities by Jigsaw Technique;, Learning Achievement; , SatisfactionAbstract
Innovative teaching and learning management thus contribute to higher student achievement. Teachers, therefore, adopt teaching and learning management by using a cooperative learning activity model using the jigsaw technique which has 5 steps in teaching to fit the context of school students so that students have Innovative new forms of learning that are more interesting, it is considered a thought process that is important to children, enabling them to create their ideas and create their imaginations. Therefore, this research is objective; (1) To develop collaborative learning activities with jigsaw techniques on the economics of Secondary 1 Students. (2) To study the index of effectiveness in cooperative learning with the economic jigsaw technique of Secondary 1 Students. (3) To compare the learning achievement of the first-year students who studied with the jigsaw cooperative learning management technique before and after school. And 4) to study the satisfaction of Grade 1 students towards the jigsaw technique of cooperative learning activities. The sample group in this research consisted of 7 Secondary 1 Students at Nong Kong Kindergarten School. Research tools (1) Plans for cooperative learning activities, jigsaw techniques, 10 plans, (2) A multiple-choice, four-choice, 30-item achievement test, and (3) a satisfaction questionnaire of 15 items. The statistics used in the data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and hypothesis test statistic with t-test (dependent). The results of the research showed that; (1) participatory learning activities using jigsaw techniques The results of the assessment of the appropriateness of the learning management plan. The average suitability assessment result was 4.49 at a high level of suitability. at a very reasonable level. (2) The effectiveness index of the jigsaw cooperative learning activities was 0.6694, indicating that the students had learning progress of 66.94 percent. (3) The students had a learning achievement. after school is higher than before with statistical significance at the.05. And (4) the students were satisfied with the jigsaw cooperative learning activities. Overall, it was at a high level (Mean= 4.49, S.D. = 0.62).
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