Management Development of Communities Retail Business in Yala Province
Business Development; , Retail Store; , DevelopmentAbstract
The important role of a retail business operator is to create added value of goods or services to generate profits for the business. In addition to being a business that helps develop and drive the country's economy, it is also a business that is a cultural symbol of the community in the local life. Therefore, this research aimed to 1) investigate the needs for the development of community retail enterprises in Yala Province; 2) develop retail business operations, and 3) evaluate the development of business operations. The three steps consist of 1) investigation of challenges and needs for business development; 2) business development by applying interview results to business operations; and 3) assessment of development by questioning the satisfaction of business operators, customers, and students. 1) According to the findings of the study, local retailers continue to sell a variety of products without price tags and without a stock management system. The arrangement of products on the shelves is disorderly. There is no categorization and classification of products. There are other products on the store's floor, but no other services are offered. The need for development has revealed that businesses require expertise in the field of product management to determine which items are the most popular. 2) Development operations with a focus on development in three areas: product development by educating the selection of products to be broader and more suited for the location and customer base; exploring adopting locally-made or popular OTOP items; and the price tag should be marked clearly. Determine the item number proportionally based on sales and manage inventory using the first-in, first-out concept of retail management development through product design and categorization instruction. The people of Yala Province are pleased with the expansion of retail establishments, and they want to learn more so they can apply what they discover to their own enterprises. Furthermore, customers are pleased with the evolution of retail outlets, which makes it easier for them to locate the things they require. Cleaner stores are also more convenient. It has a significant effect on the image of community retail. The students, who are a sample group to explore the outcome of the development of satisfaction of community retail enterprises in Yala Province, are pleased really with the ability to apply classroom information in real-world settings.
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