A Study of Development Model of Open Approach Activities on the European Continent of Mathayomsuksa 2 Students
Open Approach Activities; , Achievement; , Analytical ThinkingAbstract
Open learning is an approach technique that emphasizes self-knowledge creation through open-ended problems, which is the process of organizing activities or situations to look like open problems, encouraging students to think, it is a method of teaching that focuses on learners, which is characterized by the use of open-ended questions to allow learners to participate in activities through social interaction with classmates and classmates in taking action or performing activities, as well as discussions, exchanges of opinions and presentations. Therefore, this research was aimed to (1) development of open approach activities on the European continent, Mathayom 2. ; (2) comparing the learning achievement before and after learning by open approach activities on the European continent, Mathayom 2 ; (3) comparing the analytical thinking by using open approach activities before and after Mathayom 2 ; (4) comparing the student satisfaction with the open approach activities on the European continent of Mathayom 2. The research sample consisted of 41 Mathayom 2 students, obtained through the cluster random sampling technique. The instruments used for this research included the activities lesson plan, the attributes wanting to learn questionnaire, and the learning satisfaction questionnaire. The statistics for data analysis were mean, standard deviation, and t-test (dependent samples).
The findings were as follows; (1) the development of open approach activities in Europe is suitable in the most suitable criteria; (2) the learning achievement with open approach activities was higher than before learning at a.05 level of significance; (3) the analytical thinking ability of students who received the open approach activities was higher than before learning; and (4) the students’ satisfaction with the open approach activities was at a high level.
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