Efficiency Development for Community Capital Management of Ban Sang Khirek Sub-District, Mae Rim district, Chiang Mai province
Efficiency Development; , Management; , Community CapitalAbstract
The direction of the country's development in the period of almost every national economic and social development plan focuses on building immunity in various dimensions for the development of the country to be balanced and sustainable, by bringing the capital of the country with the potential to benefit in an integrated and supportive manner, as well as strengthening it as a foundation for the development of the country. Therefore, this research aims 1) to explore and make the data of Ban Sang community capital mapping. 2) To study the potential of Ban Sang community capital management. and 3) to find ways to improve the potential of Ban Sang community capital management. The research was a mixed-method. The research area was Ban Sang community at Khilek sub-district, Mae Rim district in Chiang Mai. The sample was 98 people from community leaders, residents, and civil servants. Research tools were questionnaires, participant observation, in-depth interviews, and group discussions. Obtained data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics i.e., frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Then write a descriptive report. The research found that 1) Ban Sang Community has 6 community capital i.e., human capital, social capital, money capital, physical capital, natural capital, and intellectual and cultural capital, which these community capitals have not yet collected and make the data of Ban Sang community capital mapping. It is at risk of being lost and forgotten in the future. 2) Communities have the potential to manage community capital and make community members appreciate and value their community capital. The body of knowledge gained from this research is guidelines for the potential development of community capital can be done in three phases: 1) planning and diagnosis phase i.e. community preparation, situation analysis, and problem determination. 2) Activity phase i.e., lead core development, and activity definition. 3) Summarization and evaluation i.e., situational assessment, reflection and information presentation, self-reliant health networking, and direct and reflective thinking.
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